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【试题链接】 The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing (①) about the rights of animals is fruitless.[1997年翻译]
【译文】 关键问题是:如果对人的权利没有共同认识,那么讨论动物的权利就是毫无结果的。
【试题链接】More significantly, they argue (②)that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong [2008年Text4]
【译文】 更重要的是,他们认为很多开国元勋知道奴隶制是错误的。
【试题链接】 A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached (①) to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.[1998年Text3]
【译文】 1996年对新闻报道的调查表明,反科学的标签也贴在了许多其他群体身上,这些人包括从提倡消灭所有现存的天花病毒的官方人士到倡议削减基础研究基金的共和党人。
【试题链接】 They (particularly Quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached (③).[2005年新题型]
【译文】 这些官员(尤其是魁北克省和阿伯塔省的)只希望渥太华额外拨数十亿加元的经费,而且好不要什么附带条件。
【试题链接】 The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached (④) great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.[1994年翻译]
【译文】 推崇技术的现代学派认为,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都非常重视科学实验中使用的不同技术信息和技术设施,并从中受益颇深。
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